• Recent Papers

    • Violent Video Games: Who Takes Responsibility

      This 4 page paper gives an answer to the question of who is responsible for violent video games. This paper includes the Supreme Court case for California banning sales of violent video games and the decision of the court that the law was unconstitutional. Bibliography list sources. ... MORE

    • Investigating Computer Fraud

      This paper discusses the field of computer forensics, what it is, what investigators do, detection tools, cyberslacking, chain of custody, steps for computer forensic investigators. The paper comments on numerous topics that are integrated with computer forensics. There are sixty-four sources used in this forty-three page paper. ... MORE

    • The Viruses Contained in Ebola

      The Ebola virus claimed tens of thousands of lives in different countries in West Africa. Other viruses cause the Ebola virus to activate. This paper focuses on the epidemiology of this virus. There are four sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Developing an Integrated Management System for Construction and Engineering Industries - A Research Proposal

      Integrity management is found in a number of industries as a way of protecting and optimizing the use and value of assets. The paper presents an outline for research to develop a new or improved system specifically for the construction and engineering industries. The paper is four pages in length. ... MORE

    • The Homelessness Problem

      This 3 page paper gives an explanation of how people become homelessness. This paper includes what leads to homelessness and what can be done by individuals to help the problem. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... MORE

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