• Recent Papers

    • Cancer Issues Overview

      This research paper/essay pertain to different issues associated with cancer treatment, which include immune surveillance model of cancer in psychoneuroimmunology, the biphasic model, and psychosocial risk factors, among other issues. Seven pages in length, eleven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Jean M. Twenge, Generation Me

      This book review pertains to Jean M. Twenge's text Generation Me, which is a study of the differences between the attitudes and sense of self that characterizes different generations. The author asserts that Generation Me developed an inflated sense of self-importance due to the emphasis placed on self-esteem development in public schools. The write evaluates the value of this text. Four pages in length, two sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Do Children Living With Their Mom Only do Worse

      The incidence of children living in single-parent homes continues to increase and it is usually the mother raising the children. Most of the literature dooms children living in this family structure but is that really true? Recent literature is offering a much brighter picture for these children. The paper reflects a research proposal that asks: What is the academic/educational performance of children living in single parent, mother-led, families. The essay includes all sections required for an APA research study, including methodology, literature review, and expected results. There are seven sources listed in the bibliography of this seven page paper. ... MORE

    • Native American Clinic/Parse, Human Becoming Theory

      This paper pertains croc the Human Becoming Theory of Rosemarie Parse and its application within the clinical environment of a Native American clinic. Six pages in length, six sources are cited. ... MORE

    • What Causes Birth Defects

      A teratogen is a substance that can cause birth defects/congenital abnormalities. It could also related to the pregnant woman being exposed to something, like rubella. Some of teratogens are identified and discussed. The second part of the paper discusses: how do heredity and early experiences influence brain organization. There are five sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

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