• Recent Papers

    • Impact on Those Who Play Computer Games

      There has been a debate about the impact of action and violent video and computer games on those who play them. This especially pertains to youth. Some argue these games will lead the user to commit criminal acts, other argue they will not. Finally, there are empirical research studies that demonstrate there are numerous positive cognitive and perceptual effects for those who play the games. There are three sources used in this four page paper.a ... MORE

    • Consumer Cooperation for Rate Increase: BC Hydro

      This 3 page paper gives an overview of the company BC Hydro. This paper includes a discussion of the campaign by BC Hydro to convince the customers of how useful the rate increase will be for them. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Franz Kafka and the Big Bug

      There are four central themes in Kafka's Metamorphosis: the absurdity of life, the disconnect between mind and body, the limits of sympathy, and alienation. It is the last one, alienation, that is explored in this essay. Some of the many interpretations of this story are reported along with the writer's own opinions. There are five sources used in this five page paper. ... MORE

    • Nursing Theory and Self-Care

      This 5 page research paper considers nursing actions that aid heart failure patients in regards to self-care management is a crucial issue. A grand, middle-range and borrowed nursing theory are described and then the writer focuses specifically on the middle-range and how it pertains to the planned research. Bibliography lists 6 sources. ... MORE

    • Anemia Case Study

      In this 3 page case study, the writer describes the case of Ms. A and why the writer feels that her symptoms indicate iron deficiency anemia. Bibliography lists 2 sources. ... MORE

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