• Recent Papers

    • Iraqi Languages: Kurdish

      This research paper pertains to the Kurdish language, which is a principal language spoken in Kurdistan region of Iraq. The writer discusses the role and status of Kurdish in Iraqi culture and politics. Four pass in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Small Group and Tiered Instruction

      This research paper offers an investigation of research and educational literature that discusses the significance of small group and tiered instruction as pedagogical approaches that support scaffolding and differentiated instruction. Seven pages in length, six sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Social Networks and Tourism

      In a paper of five pages, the author reflects on word of mouth and e-word of mouth (eWOM) as they influence consumer behaviors. The current literature reflects the importance of social networking and eWOM as major sources of communication with the tourism consumer base. User-driven content can influence opinions and drive consumer behaviors, but both positive and negative messages can occur in the same forum. Subsequently, companies must recognize the impacts of the varied messages that may appear in user-driven social media, as well as the way it can influence different consumers. The research provides an interesting perspective on the challenges and application of eWOM. Bibliography lists 5 sources. ... MORE

    • Tobacco Regulations, Are They Enough?

      This paper concerns the health risk associated with use of tobacco products and asserts that tobacco regulation is adequate at this time because of self-imposed restrictions instituted by American businesses. Two pages in length, three sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Different Aspects of Art History

      This paper discusses various aspects of art, which art historians use in their evaluations of art works. Three pages in length, six sources are cited. ... MORE

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