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    • About Security Officers

      This essay discusses security guards/officers by responding to more than a dozen questions about the industry and the officers. Some of the many issues discussed are identifying threats from natural disasters, crime, and accidents, phishing, cybercrimes, risks to utilities and entertainment and many other issues. There are twenty-two sources used in this fifteen page paper. ... MORE

    • Research Proposal Cement Company

      The Dangote Group is involved in several industries, one of which is cement. Three plants are being expanded to more across Africa and not just in Nigeria. This is a research proposal that emphasizes technology and supply chain management. The paper describes the company, reports research, discusses the cement industry, and presents a research proposal. There are eighteen sources used in this fourteen page paper. ... MORE

    • Can God and Evil Co-exist

      One of the questions that has plagued theologians, Biblical scholars, philosophers and others has to do with God and evil. How can God and evil both exist in the same space. This paper offers a dissertation proposal to investigate that question. There are six sources used in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • RFID Improves Supply Chain

      A company in Alaska has a sustained problem with recording certain expenses. Transportation costs are melded into the price of goods, which means the manager does not know exactly what the items themselves cost. RFID is recommended. There are two sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Impact of Violenet Video Games

      There has been a controversy and debate about the effects of video games on children for a long time. This paper provides an overview of the research, which typically finds there is a negative impact for children who play violent video games. There are also some positive effects, which are also identified. There are five sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

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