• Recent Papers

    • Discussion About Unions

      When unions were first established and for decades later into the early to mid-1950s, they provided fairer wages, safer working conditions, a shorter workweek, and benefits. Their focus seems to have changed over the last few decades. Terminating an employee has become more and more difficult. This essay reports comments from union members and provides steps for firing a union worker. There are three sources used in this five page paper. ... MORE

    • Solving the Threat from North Korean Nuclear Program

      This 7 page paper gives an explanation of the issues with the North Korean nuclear program. This paper includes discussions of the potential solutions to the nuclear threat including imposing economic penalties and negotiations. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... MORE


      Discusses various technology impacts and definitions. An example of a technology roadmap is included. There are 4 sources listed in the bibliography of this 4-page paper. ... MORE

    • Solving the Threat from North Korean Nuclear Program

      This 7 page paper gives an explanation of the issues with the North Korean nuclear program. This paper includes discussions of the potential solutions to the nuclear threat including imposing economic penalties and negotiations. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... MORE

    • Female Police Officers

      The literature makes it very clear that female police officers face more challenges and have fewer opportunities than male officers. Only 7 percent of female officers make it to the top, e.g., chief of police. This essay provides data regarding female police officers, the kinds of negative climates they deal with and how they cope. A couple of studies show that female officers are more effective and more competent in many situations than their male counterparts. The essay discusses police officers in the field, female parole officers, and female correction officers. There are twelve sources used in this thirty page paper. ... MORE

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