• Recent Papers

    • Teacher Strikes: Ethical Issues Faced by Teachers

      This 3 page paper gives an overview of ethical issues faced by teachers. This paper includes how these ethical issues relate to teachers striking. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

    • Nursing Theory and Self-Care

      This 5 page research paper considers nursing actions that aid heart failure patients in regards to self-care management is a crucial issue. A grand, middle-range and borrowed nursing theory are described and then the writer focuses specifically on the middle-range and how it pertains to the planned research. Bibliography lists 6 sources. ... MORE

    • Impact on Those Who Play Computer Games

      There has been a debate about the impact of action and violent video and computer games on those who play them. This especially pertains to youth. Some argue these games will lead the user to commit criminal acts, other argue they will not. Finally, there are empirical research studies that demonstrate there are numerous positive cognitive and perceptual effects for those who play the games. There are three sources used in this four page paper.a ... MORE

    • Cyber Attacks in Healthcare

      Few people realize how vulnerable healthcare operations systems, from electronic health records to connected medical devices, are to cyber attacks. There have been major cyber attacks against some healthcare organizations involving millions of patient records. This essay discuses three major threats to healthcare operation systems. There are five sources used in this five page paper.a ... MORE

    • Bullying and Prevention of Delinquency

      This paper features two topics. the first relates to the bullying and the role it plays in regards to school shootings. The second topic discusses juvenile delinquency prevention programs. Three pages in length, one source is cited. ... MORE

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