• Recent Papers

    • Segregation in the 21 Century

      Diversity remains political economic challenge even in this new century. This paper reviews racial housing segregation as it has existed since the Civil Rights movement. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Bicycle Helmet Laws, an Overview

      This research paper/essay pertains to bicycle helmet laws and argues for the implementation as they provide an effective means of decreasing serious injury and death due to bike accidents. Five pages in length, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Psychodynamic Theories in Workplace

      We know personality theories are used but psychodynamic theories have also been adopted in one way or another in organizations of all kinds. The paper reports the highlights of Jung's theories and demonstrates how they are used in organizations. Other topics include functional cultural identity and how a leader can foster communication. There are five sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Psychotropic Drug Use: PICO Question/Falls

      This paper offers a proposed PICO question, which is relevant to older adult patients and their risk for falls. Five pages in length, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Total Joint Patients, Decreasing Infections

      This research paper pertains to decreasing surgical site infections in total joint arthroplasty patients. The writer draws on research in outlining the parameters of a project that pertains to this issue. Fifteen pages in length, thirteen sources are cited. ... MORE

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