• Recent Papers

    • Iraqi Languages: Kurdish

      This research paper pertains to the Kurdish language, which is a principal language spoken in Kurdistan region of Iraq. The writer discusses the role and status of Kurdish in Iraqi culture and politics. Four pass in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Professional Development Plan for an APN

      This paper offers a professional development plan designed to assist an advanced practice nurse (APN) in regard the student's career. Six pages in length, six sources are outlined. ... MORE

    • Proper Nutrition and Exorcise to Eliminate Eating Disorders

      This paper contends that the measures that are needed to address obesity are the same as those needed to address binge eating, anorexia and bulimia. These measures revolve around education and public policy. There are five sources listed in this five page paper. ... MORE

    • Discussion About Unions

      When unions were first established and for decades later into the early to mid-1950s, they provided fairer wages, safer working conditions, a shorter workweek, and benefits. Their focus seems to have changed over the last few decades. Terminating an employee has become more and more difficult. This essay reports comments from union members and provides steps for firing a union worker. There are three sources used in this five page paper. ... MORE

    • Globalization, Effects of Protectionism

      This paper pertains to protectionism and globalization, and argues that protectionism only serves to complicate globalization, and does not provide can effective approach to economic problems. Four pages in length, six sources are cited. ... MORE

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