• Recent Papers

    • Spina Bifida Overview

      This paper presents a comprehensive overview of spina bifida that discusses various aspects of the disease before losing with a brief case study. Five pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • What Would You Put Yourself on the Line For

      Chris Dixon, a prolific writer and speaker is also an anarchist. This paper discusses some of his ideas and what he and peers are trying to do and what they believe in. Paul Freire's ideas about oppression are also discussed in this paper. There are two sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Lyme Disease Prevention

      In a paper of four pages, the author reflects on the issue of Lyme Disease (LD) in the United States. The author looks at this disease from an epidemiological perspective to provide primary, secondary and tertiary suggestions for prevention. There are six sources. ... MORE

    • Reports on Medicare

      Activities performed by the Department of Health and Human Services are discussed in comprehensive semiannual reports that are authored by the Office of the Inspector General. These reports focus on abuse, fraud, and crimes against Medicare and Medicaid along with some other similar programs. The report specifies the billions of dollars recovered every six months. The two most recent reports are discussed and the writer comments on a report from 2004. There are three sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Current Fashions in Risk Management

      Risk management takes place organizations with the use of different tools and approaches. This six page paper looks at three approaches which have become popular over the last few years. Firstly the concept of enterprise risk management is defined and examined. Secondly, the role of culture in risk management is discussed. Lastly, the utilization of strategic partnerships to reduce risk, and the use of increased collaboration in partnerships to reduce exposure to risk. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography. ... MORE

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