• Recent Papers

    • Marketing Research Proposal To Identify the Features of Effective Social Networking Media Messages

      Social media is playing an increasingly important role in firms marketing strategies. This paper presents a research proposal designed to assess which types of messages on social media are most likely to help stimulate positive consumer responses. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography of this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Different Versions for the Biblical Flood

      This report identifies and discusses different sources for Noah and the Flood. There were four much older stories of such a flood although the causes, duration, and motives differ. Each is briefly explained with comments about how these may have been used as sources for the Biblical story. There are three sources listed in the bibliography of this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Public Leaders

      This essay describes and discusses four leadership styles that could be used in private or public settings. The behaviors of leaders using each style are explained. The paper reports which leadership style would be useful for public administrators. The essay also discusses organizational culture and its relationship with the leader. The emphasis is on public administration. There are seventeen sources used in this seventeen page paper. ... MORE

    • Railroad Accidents

      The general public does not know how many train accidents really happen. There are far more than most of us know. The big ones get national coverage but others tend to be reported only locally or regionally. This essay discusses Union Pacific collisions with an emphasis on the January 8 rear-end collision in Weber Canyon. The essay reports other accidents and a large award given to one former employee who was injured four years ago. Revenue is reported, which demonstrates the business is very good for this company. There are eight sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Sexual Abuse on Child Development, Its Effects

      This research paper consists of the speaker notes for a PowerPoint presentation, kheffcsa.ppt. The writer offers an overview of the various effects attributed to childhood sexual abuse. Six pages in length, eight sources are cited. ... MORE

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