• Recent Papers


      This 3-page paper provides an example of a personal statement/essay for an individual interested in attending medical school. ... MORE

    • Mobile Health Applications, An Overview

      This paper pertains to mobile health applications and the way that these software programs are used in nursing and health care provision. Five pages in length, six sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Impact of Violenet Video Games

      There has been a controversy and debate about the effects of video games on children for a long time. This paper provides an overview of the research, which typically finds there is a negative impact for children who play violent video games. There are also some positive effects, which are also identified. There are five sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Patient-Doctor Conflicts

      This essay reports the case of a depressed teenager who attempted suicide. The attending physician is not his regular doctor. The patient stormed out of the room before the doctor could say more than four sentences. The paper suggests other discussion openers that might have been more successful. The other case is a woman with severe diabetes who has already lost one leg but will not enter the hospital to get the disease under control. The essay suggests steps for each case. There are two sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Marketing Research Proposal To Identify the Features of Effective Social Networking Media Messages

      Social media is playing an increasingly important role in firms marketing strategies. This paper presents a research proposal designed to assess which types of messages on social media are most likely to help stimulate positive consumer responses. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography of this six page paper. ... MORE

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