• Recent Papers

    • Teenage Substance Abuse Treatment

      Most programs intended to stop teenagers from using and abusing substances fail because the teenager does not want to be there and they have no intention of cooperating. There are, however, some evidence-based effective programs for adolescents, one of which is The Seven Challenges. This paper reports the latest data on teenage substance use, then, launches directly into describing and explaining this program. There are four sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Can God and Evil Co-exist

      One of the questions that has plagued theologians, Biblical scholars, philosophers and others has to do with God and evil. How can God and evil both exist in the same space. This paper offers a dissertation proposal to investigate that question. There are six sources used in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • Credit Card Fraud and Safeguards

      This 8 page paper gives an example of a paper on credit card fraud. This paper includes issues such as types of fraud, safeguards, and a synopsis. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE


      Analyzes the need for team-building and leadership in forming quality improvement and quality assurance initiatives. Includes reference to the fictitious Vila Health, a healthcare organization. There are 4 sources listed in the bibliography of this 5-page paper. ... MORE

    • Cause and Effect Drugs and Crime

      This paper explores the relationship between drug addiction and criminal activity. There is a cause and effect relationship in play. There are two sources listed in this three page paper. ... MORE

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