• Recent Papers

    • Female Police Officers

      The literature makes it very clear that female police officers face more challenges and have fewer opportunities than male officers. Only 7 percent of female officers make it to the top, e.g., chief of police. This essay provides data regarding female police officers, the kinds of negative climates they deal with and how they cope. A couple of studies show that female officers are more effective and more competent in many situations than their male counterparts. The essay discusses police officers in the field, female parole officers, and female correction officers. There are twelve sources used in this thirty page paper. ... MORE

    • Examples Socially Responsible Companies

      This essay discusses two companies that are trying to provide a better world. Honest Tea produces an completely natural, organic, bottled tea and is heavily involved in social responsibility activities. Mycorrhizal Applications, Inc. is changing how plants of all sorts can be grown. It is able to produce a natural seed/spore that allows remarkable growth with less water. There are three sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Over-Reliance on the Familiar/Golden Hammer

      This paper pertains to the Golden Hammer fallacy, as expressed by Abraham Maslow. This concept indicates the tendency of researchers, and others, to rely on one tool or one methodology simply because it is familiar and has been useful in the past. Three pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Written Language, The Mayan Civilization

      This research paper presents a comprehensive overview of research that pertains to Mayan civilization and its system of writing. Eight page in length, eight sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, an Overview

      This research paper present an overview of recent literature that pertains to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Five pages in length, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

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