• Recent Papers

    • Mental Health Services, Long Term Care

      This research paper/essay consists of two parts. The first deals with long term care and the second argues that behavioral care should integrated with primary care. Five pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • HIstory of Psychology as a Field

      This essay presents the history and evolution of psychology, including when it became its own scientific field and a description of older perspectives and new perspectives/models. There are six sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Mobile Technology

      Wireless and mobile devices have become part of everyone's life even if they do not own a smart phone. This paper defines these technologies. It then compares the use of them between Delta Airlines and Southwest airlines. There are twelve sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Patient-Doctor Conflicts

      This essay reports the case of a depressed teenager who attempted suicide. The attending physician is not his regular doctor. The patient stormed out of the room before the doctor could say more than four sentences. The paper suggests other discussion openers that might have been more successful. The other case is a woman with severe diabetes who has already lost one leg but will not enter the hospital to get the disease under control. The essay suggests steps for each case. There are two sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Pediatric Bipolar

      Bipolar Disorder dramatically changes a person's life and quality of life. It affects every part of the patient's life. There is very little research focusing on Bipolar Disorder in children and adolescents. This paper reports the definition of Bipolar Disorder, symptoms, diagnosis, causes, and treatment. There are seven sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

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