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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 12 page paper which examines corporate sexual harassment court cases and considers workplace policy implications. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
This 14 page paper examines the role of gender in an organisation. The paper explains how traditional workplace strategies have involved seeing employees as asexual, interpreting sexuality as an irrational interference which creates inefficiencies and may leave a compnay open to sexual harassment claims. The paper argues that sexuality and gender differentiation are not left behind when employee enter the workplace, but are inherent in the employment relationship. Looking at different theorists, ideas of patriarchy, male domination, sexual harassment, sex and power and gender defined jobs are all included. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
A 5 page overview of what constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace and steps organizations can take to eradicate it from their businesses. Never before has business been any more competitive than it is at the present time, and organizations across all industries and economic sectors have searched literally for years to find innovative, creative approaches to increasing operational efficiencies. It is not possible to achieve these goals in an environment that tolerates sexual harassment. The paper promotes training and clear management support as two effective steps for prevention. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A 4 page paper. The scenario is that a male co-worker patted a woman's buttocks. The writer responds to specific issues: what is sexual harassment, what the writer would do if the women in the scenario, the organization's responsibility, and an outline of a sexual harassment workplace policy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.