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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
This 7 page paper looks at the concept of memory looking at the current operates under three different types of memory; sensory memory, short-term memory and a memory each is discussed considering it's characteristics and whether or not the type of memory can be improved. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
This 6 page paper discusses many different issues related to memory and learning, including short-term memory, long-term memory, three memories are stored in the brain, the effect of the context, synapses, brain health and what interferes with learning and memory. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A 3 page essay discussing the essentiality of memory, re-call memory, and disremembering. The writer compares and discusses the painful memories of several key characters including : Sethe, Baby Suggs, and Paul D. Elements of the comparison include the effects of memory on each character and how they deal with it.
This 5 page paper discusses why psychologists think memory research is important. The writer addresses the question by reporting some of the knowledge gained from memory research, such as the Atkinson-Shriffin model that identifies different types of memory. A brief explanation of the brain and memory is also included. bibliography lists 9 sources.
5 pages in length. Recall and recognition - the foundations of human memory - are wholly dependent upon the actions of encoding and storage as to how readily they are brought forth in recollection. To understand the variables associated with short- and long-term memory components is to realize why some memories are recalled with prompts (i.e. audio, visual or olfactory) while others are difficult to call back no matter how many cues are given to encourage recollection. Bibliography lists 5 sources.