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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 3 page research paper that describes malaria. The tropics abound with popular tourist destinations and one seldom hears of anyone dying from having taken a vacation in the Bahamas; however, this remains a possibility because of malaria. The following discussion, which first of all, describes malaria, indicates that this scourge, which Westerners inevitably associate with the past, remains a worldwide, deadly disease. The precautions that travelers can take against malaria are also described, before concluding with a description of possible treatments, as well as the hope of an effective vaccine becoming a possibility. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A 3 page overview of malaria. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
4 pages in length. Malaria is a severe problem in Eastern Africa that reflects "a major socio-economic challenge" (Anonymous, 2002, p. PG); however, the overwhelming impact of HIV/AIDS has been given most of the attention, leaving the issue of malaria treatment/prevention virtually neglected. If the problem received proper proactive attention, millions of lives could be saved and the situation could be easily ameliorated. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A 5 page paper discussing the current issue of nuclear testing as it relates to India and Pakistan. It has been many years since any nuclear testing has been conducted in any part of the world and the recent tensions between India and Pakistan have apparently brought out the 'big guns.' On May 11, 1998 -- India tested three nuclear devices 328 feet underground in a remote desert and the tests go on from there. Bibliography lists 8 sources. Ind-paki.wps
10 pages in length. Malaria, one of the world's most communicable diseases, has its origin back when man befriended – and thus domesticated – various species of animals. Prominent in locations where hygiene is poor, water supplies are contaminated and mosquitoes are plentiful, malaria is both life threatening and extraordinarily prevalent – nearly forty percent – in today's underdeveloped countries. The one-cell parasite responsible for this highly infectious disease is called plasmodium and is delivered from one person to another by way of certain mosquito bites. Tropical climates are especially prone to these disease-carrying parasites, with Africa ranking among the highest mortality rates, an infestation that has been all but eliminated in more temperate atmospheric conditions across the globe. Bibliography lists 9 sources.