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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 5 page essay that examines Margaret Atwood's poem "Variations on the Word Love." In this poem, Atwood expresses her thoughts and feelings on the inadequacy of the English language at expressing what is meant by "love." Atwood accomplishes this by exploring the many connotations, or "variations," in which this word is used. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
5 pages in length. Among the myriad differences between men and women is the manner in which they speak. The variations that exist within gender language are sometimes quite conspicuous, while at other times remain quite subtle; however, one thing is certain: the formation of these variations originates early in childhood, with parents the primary factor behind these learned contrarieties. Indeed, to listen to a group of women talk when compared to that of a group of men, there are obvious differences in the choice of words, the inflection and often the meaning. The writer discusses the variations of language in relation to gender. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A variation order is an instruction that an architect gives to the builder concerning any variations to the original building contract. They are often associated with increased costs and delays, but they continue to be used. This 11 page paper proposes research in order to identify the benefits and advantages that the use of variation orders can provide for the contract owners. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
A 4 page paper which examines “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan, “Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell, and “If Black Language Isn’t a Language, The Tell Me, What Is?” by James Baldwin and then examines their discussions of language and identity, and language as political. No additional sources cited.