Recent Research Papers On Diabetes

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  • Depression And Diabetes: Article Reviews

    10 pages in length. The relationship between diabetes and depression is an unmistakable - and perhaps unavoidable - occurrence of comorbidity. Each of these articles illustrates the importance of patient self-care and appropriate life choices as a means by which to offset the prevalence toward the comorbidity of depression and diabetes. While one study seeks to determine the most provoking factors that draw out the tendency toward both major and minor depression, another finds no more correlation between depression and diabetes than there is with those who do not have diabetes. Similarly, a third study sought to determine if those with either major depression or diabetes were more or less functionally disabled than those with diabetes and comorbid major depression. Another study examines how different locale and ethic composition impacts comorbidity, while the final article provides a broad overview of how depression and diabetes are often misdiagnosed and inappropriately treated. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Type 1 Diabetes

    A 15 page exploration of the condition also known as insulin-dependent diabetes, childhood-onset diabetes and juvenile-onset diabetes. This paper considers the causes, symptoms and treatment of this disease. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Facts About Nutrition and Diabetes

    A 3 page research paper. Obtaining reliable information concerning nutrition and diabetes is one of the first steps toward controlling blood glucose levels and the possible adverse side effects of this disease. This examination of diabetes and nutritional facts, first of all, examined a web site for three nutritional topics pertaining to diabetes and, then, consulted a professional journal article in order to verify this information. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Discussion of Diabetes Mellitus

    15 pages in length. No one is safe from developing diabetes mellitus. In America, one person succumbs to the fatal aspects of the disease every three minutes; sixteen million Americans have been diagnosed, while another five point four million will continue on with their lives without knowing they have the disease. Leading to fatal kidney failure, adult blindness, nerve damage and limb amputations, diabetes is truly a silent killer. Additionally, heart attacks stokes occur two to four times more often in those with diabetes than in those without it. Those who have caught their disease in time can still count on dying an average of fifteen years earlier than what is otherwise expected. Infants who are born from mothers with diabetes are two to three times more likely to die than their disease-free counterparts. Ninety-eight billion dollars is spent every year in the United States in order to treat diabetes. Medicare, which foots a significant amount of that annual bill, pays out no less than one of every five dollars to support those with the disease. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

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