• Recent Papers

    • Study of HIV AIDS in a Southern California Population

      In a paper of six pages, the author identifies the problem of HIV/AIDS as they impact the population of gay men in Los Angeles. The author relates the potential approaches to addressing change for populations hardest hit by HIV/AIDS which are to address the social stigmatization and create better methods of communication about the disease. This may include encouraging participation in educational programs that address knowledge about sexual stigmatization and the need for earnest communications about infection risk. All of these elements are valuable and are necessary steps to reduce the spread of HIV infection in gay and bisexual urban populations. There are six sourcse listed. ... MORE

    • Consumer Cooperation for Rate Increase: BC Hydro

      This 3 page paper gives an overview of the company BC Hydro. This paper includes a discussion of the campaign by BC Hydro to convince the customers of how useful the rate increase will be for them. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Disability/Cultural Representations

      This paper discusses disability. Topics covered include the various ways that disability is represented in society, disability culture, promotion of positive images, and personal reflection. Three pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Lone Star College System, Financial Aid Policy

      This research paper describes the Lone Star College System and its policy in terms of compliance with current trends in community college education, with a focus on financial aid. Five pages in length, eight sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Women's Participation in Domestic Violence

      This essay, first of all, considers the impact of recent media exposure in regards to domestic violence incidents and celebrities. Then, the writer considers why women remain in abusive relationships and makes the assumption, based on statistics that indicate the involvement of women in aggressive behavior, that violence becomes the norm of these relationships. The writer proposes that this is one of the most challenging aspects of domestic violence facing counselors. Three pages in length, one source is cited. ... MORE

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