• Recent Papers

    • Developing an Integrated Management System for Construction and Engineering Industries - A Research Proposal

      Integrity management is found in a number of industries as a way of protecting and optimizing the use and value of assets. The paper presents an outline for research to develop a new or improved system specifically for the construction and engineering industries. The paper is four pages in length. ... MORE

    • BiPolar Disorder on Television

      Stereotypes and stigmas about mental illness have been consistently fostered by the media but in recent years, there are some television shows who have depicted a more accurate representation. Homeland is one of those shows and Carrie's bipolar disorder is discussed. The other person discussed in the essay is Robin Williams to point out that disorders are not easily noticed. There are three sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Water Pollution, Review of Literature

      This paper presents a brief discussion of scholarly literature that pertains to water pollution. Three pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Howard Schultz Power and Influence

      The power and influence of Howard Schultz, CEO, Starbucks. The essay discusses who has power and influence over Schultz and who he has power over. Examples are given. The second section discusses what emotional intelligence is and how it relates to leadership and culture. There are seven sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Comparing Rosa Parks with Harriet Tubman

      This paper offers a comparison of Harriet Tubman's life with that of Rosa. Parks. Three pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

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