• Recent Papers

    • Leukemia Overview

      This research paper, which is associated with a power point presentation, khleukemia.ppt, offers a comprehensive overview of leukemia. Twelve pages in length, which includes one page for the table of contents and one page for a bulleted discussed of Findings/Points of Interest. The references page lists five sources. ... MORE

    • Investigating Different Crimes

      Over the last decade, there have been numerous high-profile, huge scams from organizations. These are called white-collar crimes and include embezzlement, insider trading, and other illegal crimes committed by persons working in the company where the crime takes place. This essay defines this type of crime and discusses the difficulties agencies have investigating and prosecuting the criminals. There are five sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • DNA Fingerprinting

      This paper points out the degree to which the criminal justice system currently relies on DNA profiling. There are seven sources in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • iPhone and Android Companies

      The smart phone market is the primary one in which Apple and Google compete directly. Google gives its Android away while Apple charges high prices. Even so, it is the iPhone that is the gold standard in this market. External and internal analyses for each company are reported. There are ten sources used in this five page paper. ... MORE

    • Chronic Lyme Disease

      Lyme disease is caused by a very specific tic that is carrying a particular bacteria. This essay explains the cause and treatment of Lyme disease, explains why the vaccine was put out of production, and comments on how to treat people with chronic Lyme disease. There are four sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

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