• Recent Papers

    • Comparing Rosa Parks with Harriet Tubman

      This paper offers a comparison of Harriet Tubman's life with that of Rosa. Parks. Three pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • The Decision Over Justin Ellsworth's Email

      This 4 page paper gives an answer to the question of whether or not Yahoo should have given the email access to Justin Ellsworth's parents. This paper includes reason why it's wrong to decide not to protect someone's privacy over the internet when it is in other cases involving someone's private property. Bibliography list sources. ... MORE

    • How Some Government Mandates are Paid For

      This paper provides a summary of one article by Joyce McKnight entitled "Public Funding of Human Services from the "Poor Laws" until Today." It is enlightening to learn that many of today's programs are similar to those begun centuries and decades ago but with different titles and in some cases, different mandates. Examples are included to demonstrate how programs in the 1700s and 1800s provided the foundation for human service and social welfare programs today. There is one source listed in the bibliography of this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Can God and Evil Co-exist

      One of the questions that has plagued theologians, Biblical scholars, philosophers and others has to do with God and evil. How can God and evil both exist in the same space. This paper offers a dissertation proposal to investigate that question. There are six sources used in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • Whole Foods, Protein

      This research paper offers an overview of whole foods versus processed foods that presents the advantages of whole foods. There is a special focus on the subject of protein. Five pages in length, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

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