• Recent Papers

    • Cinematic Depiction of Microbiology, Contagion

      This research paper cites reviews in order to report on the scientific accuracy of the film and the manner in which it depicts microbiology. Five pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Does the iPad Technology Disrupt?

      This 4 page paper gives an overview of how the iPad's technology is changing standards. This paper includes an explanation of how other companies need to change their practices to keep up with the iPad. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Current Fashions in Risk Management

      Risk management takes place organizations with the use of different tools and approaches. This six page paper looks at three approaches which have become popular over the last few years. Firstly the concept of enterprise risk management is defined and examined. Secondly, the role of culture in risk management is discussed. Lastly, the utilization of strategic partnerships to reduce risk, and the use of increased collaboration in partnerships to reduce exposure to risk. Eight sources are cited in the bibliography. ... MORE

    • Female Police Officers

      The literature makes it very clear that female police officers face more challenges and have fewer opportunities than male officers. Only 7 percent of female officers make it to the top, e.g., chief of police. This essay provides data regarding female police officers, the kinds of negative climates they deal with and how they cope. A couple of studies show that female officers are more effective and more competent in many situations than their male counterparts. The essay discusses police officers in the field, female parole officers, and female correction officers. There are twelve sources used in this thirty page paper. ... MORE

    • Diverse Adult Learners/Teaching Styles

      This paper pertains to a literature review that focuses on scholarly evidence that is relevant to addressing the relationship of teaching styles and frameworks that aid in understanding culturally diverse adult learners. Twelve pages in length, fifteen sources are cited. ... MORE

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