Gathering Research Data Paper On Police Officers

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Situations Involving Domestic Violence and the Role of Law Enforcement

    In 24 pages, the author discusses the police officer role in domestic violence situations including: What they can do they to defuse a potential violent situation, how stressful is it for police officers to deal with these situations on a regular basis, the number of officers that are assaulted and/or lose their lives in domestic violence situations, the number of cases that are actually prosecuted, the probability that police officer will have domestic situations at home with his/her spouse, the professional help that is available for police officers to deal with their personal problems in this subject, and the new challenges police officers will face in dealing with domestic violence. Bibliography lists 27 sources.

  • Job Stress and Suicides Among Law Enforcement Officerside

    In 8 pages, the author discusses the suicide of police officers. One must ask why police officers take their own lives. Stress would have to be the number one answer to this question. Stress and depression cause officers to take their own lives. A police officer's job is one of the most stressful occupations available. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Job Stress and Suicides Among Law Enforcement Officerside

    In 8 pages, the author discusses the suicide of police officers. One must ask why police officers take their own lives. Stress would have to be the number one answer to this question. Stress and depression cause officers to take their own lives. A police officer's job is one of the most stressful occupations available. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • California Police Officers: Certain Physique And Weight Management

    6 pages in length. The last one hundred years have served to transition the overall duties of police officers from highly physically demanding to duties shared between physicality and technology. Typically, big, strong men were representational of the early 1900s police force when walking was the only way in which to patrol the city. The ability to dart and dash after offenders was the primary means by which police officers could ever hope to apprehend, inasmuch as that era had little more than body-to-body contact for bringing down the perpetrator. Today, the advent of technology gives police officers a tremendous advantage over their historical counterparts with devices to stop and capture the offender, but that does not preclude the need for law enforcement officers to be in peak condition. Police work may not be as physical in nature as it was back at the turn of the century, however, it still entails a significant amount of maneuvering that requires officers be as physically fit as possible. Bibliography lists 8 sources.


    Understanding the depth and scope of what on-the-job hazards exist for police officers is an instrumental way in which to help mitigate the detrimental outcome when they do occur. Dealing with the criminal element is not the only connection police officers have with on-the-job hazards inasmuch as their responsibilities also include domestic disturbances, traffic stops and health-related emergencies. The purpose behind this research proposal is to determine the greater propensity of hazards as they relate to criminal and noncriminal situations. 6 pages and 6 sources.

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