• Recent Papers

    • Hospital Technology

      The purpose of technology in hospitals is to increase efficiency and accuracy of their healthcare systems and to improve patient care. This essay explains clinical information systems, identifies a hospital that uses it, discusses how it was adopted, and offers various types of information about implementation. There are fifteen sources used in this fifteen page paper. ... MORE

    • Residencies for Registered Nurses

      It is well known that there is a significant shortage of registered nurses that will continue to grow. There is a difference of opinion about how prepared new graduates are when they begin work in a clinical setting. Nurse leaders do not think they are all prepared. The IOM published a report with several recommendations to remedy these situations. This essay discusses one of those recommendations-residencies for nurses. Examples of successful programs are included. Other sections include a problem statement, data regarding nurses, attrition, background on the problem, and a recommendation to resolve some of the issues. There are eight sources listed in the bibliography of this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Over-Reliance on the Familiar/Golden Hammer

      This paper pertains to the Golden Hammer fallacy, as expressed by Abraham Maslow. This concept indicates the tendency of researchers, and others, to rely on one tool or one methodology simply because it is familiar and has been useful in the past. Three pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Literature Review for Law Enforcement Policy Theories

      This 12 page paper gives an example of a literature review for sources concerning law enforcement issues such as on body cameras. This paper includes discussions of the sources for law enforcement administration. Bibliography list 20 sources. ... MORE

    • Climate Change Policy and Carbon Tax

      This paper compares two policy approaches to decreasing carbon emissions -- cap and trade approach and imposing a carbon tax. The writer argues in favor of a carbon tax. Six pages in length, that paper includes a brief abstract and cites eight sources. ... MORE

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