• Recent Papers

    • Article Review on Skin Care

      In a paper of three pages, the author reflects on an article entitled: Providing Patients with Information on Caring for Skin. The author identifies the major points in this article, including approaches taken to providing patients with adequate information on self-care for skin problems. ... MORE

    • iPhone and Android Companies

      The smart phone market is the primary one in which Apple and Google compete directly. Google gives its Android away while Apple charges high prices. Even so, it is the iPhone that is the gold standard in this market. External and internal analyses for each company are reported. There are ten sources used in this five page paper. ... MORE

    • The Decision Over Justin Ellsworth's Email

      This 4 page paper gives an answer to the question of whether or not Yahoo should have given the email access to Justin Ellsworth's parents. This paper includes reason why it's wrong to decide not to protect someone's privacy over the internet when it is in other cases involving someone's private property. Bibliography list sources. ... MORE

    • Funding Public Services

      Citizens in the U.S. have a vast array of public services they can access. Some are free but some have fees that have been rising over the last decade. Many of the services are funded through taxes but the tax revenue is not longer adequate. This essay discusses these issues. There is one source used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Female Police Officers

      The literature makes it very clear that female police officers face more challenges and have fewer opportunities than male officers. Only 7 percent of female officers make it to the top, e.g., chief of police. This essay provides data regarding female police officers, the kinds of negative climates they deal with and how they cope. A couple of studies show that female officers are more effective and more competent in many situations than their male counterparts. The essay discusses police officers in the field, female parole officers, and female correction officers. There are twelve sources used in this thirty page paper. ... MORE

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