• Recent Papers

    • The Use of ICT in Corporations

      One of the operations that we know gives a company a competitive advantage is a well-managed supply chain. Along the lines of corporate success is also the implementation of information and communications technology, in fact, companies cannot succeed today without it. This paper discusses ICT in terms of supply chain management. The essay represents part of a research study about the cement industry in Africa and whether or not ICT improves it. There are eight sources used in this 15 page paper. ... MORE

    • Railroad Accidents

      The general public does not know how many train accidents really happen. There are far more than most of us know. The big ones get national coverage but others tend to be reported only locally or regionally. This essay discusses Union Pacific collisions with an emphasis on the January 8 rear-end collision in Weber Canyon. The essay reports other accidents and a large award given to one former employee who was injured four years ago. Revenue is reported, which demonstrates the business is very good for this company. There are eight sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Overview of Three Sociological Theories

      This paper discusses social control theory, labeling theory and differential association theory, offering a brief overview. Four pages in length, three sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Literature Review for Law Enforcement Policy Theories

      This 12 page paper gives an example of a literature review for sources concerning law enforcement issues such as on body cameras. This paper includes discussions of the sources for law enforcement administration. Bibliography list 20 sources. ... MORE

    • Boko Haram and Potential Charges by the ICC for Crimes Against Humanity

      This 8 page paper reviews the actions of Boko Haram in Nigeria and assesses the potential for criminal charges to be brought by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crime against humanity. The discussion includes consideration of jurisdiction, the classifications of charges that maybe brought, including considering the potential of claims for enslavement, sexual slavery, forced marriage, and enforced disappearance. The bibliography cites 12 sources. ... MORE

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