• Recent Papers

    • How is Strategy Developed

      How is strategy created in organizations? This question has led to numerous journal articles, research studies, and books. There are many theories about how strategy is created in an organization and to gain more insight, this essay briefly discusses four journal articles and one book chapter. The writer points out the similarities and differences and evaluates the state of literature based on these readings. There are five sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Cultural and Political Influences on Human Development

      This 3 page paper gives an overview of human development. This paper includes how cultural values and practices, public policies, and political and economic conditions affect human development. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • The Effects of Cyber Bullying on Adolescents

      This research paper addresses the topic of cyber bullying as an issue that negatively affects the health of adolescents. Ten pages in length, three years of which are an annotated bibliography, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Climate Change Policy and Carbon Tax

      This paper compares two policy approaches to decreasing carbon emissions -- cap and trade approach and imposing a carbon tax. The writer argues in favor of a carbon tax. Six pages in length, that paper includes a brief abstract and cites eight sources. ... MORE

    • Special Revenue Funds

      There are three different topics discussed in this paper. Part of the essay discusses how a governmental special revenue fund can show a deficit, one is about how special revenue funds and show a deficit, and the last discusses funding for special revenue funds. There are five sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

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