• Recent Papers

    • Case Summary: Tax Evasion Trial of Al Capone

      This 5 page paper gives an explanation of the case for tax evasion against Al Capone. This paper includes a two page annotated bib and a summary of the case against Al Capone. Bibliography lists 6 sources. ... MORE

    • A Method to Make Decisions

      There are many types of decisions made in organizations every day. This essay discusses a decision making process but within the discussion the writer explains satisficing and optimizing decisions, the Carnegie model, and programmed and nonprogrammed decisions. There are six sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • The Homelessness Problem

      This 3 page paper gives an explanation of how people become homelessness. This paper includes what leads to homelessness and what can be done by individuals to help the problem. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... MORE

    • Impact on Language Learning, Global Issues

      This research paper explored organizational websites of intuitions that focus on global issues, such as environmental issues, poverty, food supply and women's rights. The writer investigated six issues and provides brief summations about organizational missions, questions raised, the impact of the issue on language learning, and the writer's personal view on the issue. The paper concludes with a proposal for further exploration of women's rights. Six pages in length, twelve sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Why Management Can Manipulate Records

      Our business world continues to be challenged with fraudulent activities and other wrongdoings. This essay discusses some of the issues with these activities that include the impact of codes of ethics, the fraud triangle, and how forensic accountants play a role. There are six sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

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