• Recent Papers

    • Diagnosing ADD/Case Study

      This paper provides a comprehensive discussion of a hypothetical case study, which features a child diagnosed with ADD. DSM5 diagnostic criteria, interventions and treatment options are discussed. Nine pages in length, twelve sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Addressing The Code of Silence

      This 3 page paper gives an explanation of the code of silence. This paper includes police misconduct and potential ways to break the code of silence.. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... MORE

    • Language and Handedness

      This research paper pertains to various aspects of handedness and language development, as well as what research relates about the pros and cons of being left-handed. Eight pages in length, seven sources are listed. ... MORE

    • Marketing Issues for Stores Competing with Discount Stores

      Companies in just about all industries are facing stiff competition from similar stores that offer items at a much lower cost. For instance, two low-cost grocery stores have opened in the United Kingdom and other places and are hurting revenues for stores like Tesco. This essay focuses on different marketing issues, such as the marketing mix, corporate structure, the differences between low-cost and mainstream stores. The essay concludes with two recommendations for Tesco. There are three sources used in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • Case Study Nurse Director And Budget

      A 4 page paper that discusses a case study entitled "It's that time of year again!" Five questions are answered, the first one being a reaction to a citation from Lichtenstein et al. The other four questions relate directly to the case study, which is about a nurse director who must present a new budget after her unit has experienced dramatic structural changes. The writer discusses how the director should present the budget, what data to use, if any, her use of an Interprofessional team, and a brief explanation of HEDIS. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

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