• Recent Papers

    • Funding Public Services

      Citizens in the U.S. have a vast array of public services they can access. Some are free but some have fees that have been rising over the last decade. Many of the services are funded through taxes but the tax revenue is not longer adequate. This essay discusses these issues. There is one source used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Corporate Culture Theories that Impact it

      The corporate culture is like an unwritten code of conduct. It is not a document, it is just the way things get done in that organization. Some believe that it takes a crisis to change the culture because it is embedded in the minds of everyone. This essay explores how certain organizational theories might impact the culture. Examples of theories include dialectical and complexity. There are seven sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Comparing Conventional and White-Collar Crime

      This 3 page paper gives an explanation of how conventional and white-collar crime are similar and different. This paper includes how the conventional crimes usually make a more interesting story for people and many other issues. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

    • Early Language Acquisition

      Cognitive development is about information processing, reasoning, intelligence, memory, and language development. It is about the construction of thought processes, including remembering, decision-making, and problem solving. During the first three years of life, infants' cognitive development is almost at turbo-speed. This paper identifies the areas of development, selects one, language acquisition, explains why it is so remarkable, and offers several tips for enhancing this type of development. There are three sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Cause and Effect Drugs and Crime

      This paper explores the relationship between drug addiction and criminal activity. There is a cause and effect relationship in play. There are two sources listed in this three page paper. ... MORE

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