• Recent Papers


      Offers an example of a summary budget, and explanation, for a fictitious financial literacy program. There are 2 sources listed in the bibliography of this 3-page paper. ... MORE

    • Business Issues in sub-Saharan Africa

      Sub-Saharan Africa has some of the poorest countries in the world. They also have some of the most corrupt politicians and businessmen. This has a direct effect on businesses. This paper discusses several issues including the corruption, stakeholder activism, the gap between financing male-owned vs. female-owned businesses, and why it is important to understand these issues when financing a small business. There are five sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Strengths Need to Complement Each Other

      This essay discuses the write identifies the preferred strengths for a partner. The write explains they must complement each other, identifies the writer's leadership strengths, preferred strengths for a partner and why. There are four sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Do Children Living With Their Mom Only do Worse

      The incidence of children living in single-parent homes continues to increase and it is usually the mother raising the children. Most of the literature dooms children living in this family structure but is that really true? Recent literature is offering a much brighter picture for these children. The paper reflects a research proposal that asks: What is the academic/educational performance of children living in single parent, mother-led, families. The essay includes all sections required for an APA research study, including methodology, literature review, and expected results. There are seven sources listed in the bibliography of this seven page paper. ... MORE

    • Language Barriers/Limited Social Work Services

      This paper discusses current research on the impact of language barriers in social work service delivery. Five pages in length, eight sources are cited. ... MORE

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