• Recent Papers

    • Guinea Worm, Eradication Program

      This paper describes the Guinea Worm Eradication Program, which was implemented by the Carter Center. This campaign has had remarkable success and is close to completely eradicating the disease. Three pages in length, three sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Consumers and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

      This paper considers the relative impact of Obamacare. Texans in particular have not always benefited from the federal mandate on health insurance. There are three sources in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Cyber Attacks in Healthcare

      Few people realize how vulnerable healthcare operations systems, from electronic health records to connected medical devices, are to cyber attacks. There have been major cyber attacks against some healthcare organizations involving millions of patient records. This essay discuses three major threats to healthcare operation systems. There are five sources used in this five page paper.a ... MORE

    • Pearl Harbor Debate, The Issues

      This research paper discusses two controversies that have generated debate, which focus on the attack on Pearl Harbor. The debates that are focused on concern the role of communication failures and whether or not President Franklin Roosevelt had knowledge that the attack would occur before it happened. Nine pages in length, one of which is devoted to an outline, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Funding Public Services

      Citizens in the U.S. have a vast array of public services they can access. Some are free but some have fees that have been rising over the last decade. Many of the services are funded through taxes but the tax revenue is not longer adequate. This essay discusses these issues. There is one source used in this three page paper. ... MORE

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