• Recent Papers

    • Picasso, Da Vinci

      This paper discusses Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" and then turn to the modern art and describes "Guernica" by Pablo Picasso. Three pages in length, six sources are cited. ... MORE

    • O'Neill & Thomson (2013), An Article Review

      This paper discusses an article by O'Neill and Thomson (2013). This study pertains to persistence in regards to low-skiled adult learners. Three pages in length, one source is cited. ... MORE

    • Research Proposal Cement Company

      The Dangote Group is involved in several industries, one of which is cement. Three plants are being expanded to more across Africa and not just in Nigeria. This is a research proposal that emphasizes technology and supply chain management. The paper describes the company, reports research, discusses the cement industry, and presents a research proposal. There are eighteen sources used in this fourteen page paper. ... MORE


      Provides a Five Forces, PEST and SWOT analysis of DISH Network, to prove that a macro-analysis is necessary to the company's micro-analysis and decision-making capabilities. There are 3 sources listed in the bibliography of this 7-page paper. ... MORE

    • ELM, ARCS, and Gerlach and Ely Models

      In a paper of four pages, the author reflects upon three different models of instruction that can be used to foster student learning. The three models presented, the ELM, ARCS, and Gerlach and Ely Models provide foundation for creating instruction and defining the roles of educator and learners. The different strategies in these models support the belief that student engagement is an important aspect of the learning process. Of the three models, the Gerlach and Ely Design Model distinguishes itself from the others by focusing more on a clearly prescribed path to presenting content which differs from the motivational models of the ELM and ARCS. There are four sources listed. ... MORE

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