Research Paper On Organisational Commitment Pdf

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Organizational Performance As a Reflection of Organizational Commitment

    This 9 page paper considers the concept of organizational commitment, which is a subset of employee commitment, defines what it is and how it is achieved and then considers the way in which it could impact on organizational performance in both positive and negative manners, including a quantification of the potential impact. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Interpersonal and Sexual Relationship Commitment

    This 20 page paper explores the topics of commitment in interpersonal and commitment in sexual relationships beginning with an introduction to the concept of commitment – what is it, what does it mean in today's world, and the conclusions of two studies looking into commitment between dating couples. The writer then discuses the ethics of commitment and sexual ethics, a very hot topic in today's world, most of which focuses on the relationship of homosexual couples; next, is a discussion of the theology of commitment. The writer asserts that God wants us to make commitments, first to Him and then to others in our lives but where does commitment fit in this disposable world. The last section addresses pastoral care and counseling, premarital, marital, and divorce. Here, the different types of families are identified along with the ways in which some pastors face the challenge of these diverse families, including the lesbian or gay couple. An approach that has been remarkably successful in reducing the number of divorces is explained in this section. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Strategic Commitment and Corporate Competitive Advantage

    This 3 page essay discusses the ides of strategic commitment in a company and the ways in which it adds to a larger corporate advantage. Strategic commitment is a separate and unique field of endeavor that is marked by the inclusion of ethics and the moral responsibilities of management as a part of a much larger strategic planning process. Follow-through on such a commitment is what allows any firm to enjoy a unique competitive advantage based on the relationship that it has established with its constituency. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Collectivism and Commitment; Implications for Cross Cultural Management

    This 18 page paper considers the following quote and assesses this in the context of lessons for cross culture managers; "As expected, results indicate that collectivism as a cultural value orientation is related to commitment, and exerts a stronger influence on commitment in collectivistic countries. Moreover, the relationships between commitment and outcomes are stronger in a collectivistic context" (Jörg Felfe, Wenhua Yan, Bernd Six, August, 2008). The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • HR and Commitment to Employees

    A 5 page paper. Should HR professionals focus on programs that will generate employee commitment? This is the question this paper addresses. The writer reports research that illustrates the benefits of employee commitment and offers some of the steps identified that lead to gaining loyalty and commitment from employees. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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