• Recent Papers

    • Language and Handedness

      This research paper pertains to various aspects of handedness and language development, as well as what research relates about the pros and cons of being left-handed. Eight pages in length, seven sources are listed. ... MORE

    • Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy

      This essay has attempted to provide a strong background in marriage and family counseling by reporting a brief history, the needs in the field of marriage and family counseling, identification of some of the therapeutic models, and an explanation and discussion of cognitive-behavioral family therapy, which is the most commonly-used approach in the field. ... MORE

    • Daddy/Sylvia Plath

      This essay offers a summary and analysis of Sylvia Plath's poem "Daddy." Three pages in length, one source is cited. ... MORE

    • Comparing Two-Year Colleges

      Two-year public colleges are more often referred to as community colleges. In recent years, their funding has been cut just as it has been in all public educational institutions. This paper reports specific information about two community colleges, Lone Star college system in Texas and St. Louis Community College System in Missouri. The report compares and contrasts tuition, graduation rates, amount college spends per student, revenues, and operating expenses. There are eight sources used in this five page paper. ... MORE

    • Personality Tests

      This paper discusses different personality assessments: it comments on how personality assessments and theories are influenced by the lack of a definition for personality. The paper discuses the MMPI and the NEO and how tests are used at work. There are four sources used in this three page paper ... MORE

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