• Recent Papers

    • Report from a City Inspector General

      If a city lacks policies and procedures regarding any area of functioning, it makes it easier for employees to commit fraud. Joseph Ferguson gave a speech that discussed this issue and how to find it and prevent it. This essay analyzes a city inspector general's review of how city vehicles and how City fuel were being used. There are two sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Cyber-terrorism vs. Terrorism

      This research paper pertains to traditional terrorism vs. cyber-terrorism and discusses similarities and differences. The writer argues that cyber-terrorism constitutes a greater potential threat. Five pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Criminal Sexual-type Conduct Data

      There have been a number of laws passed and numerous court cases regarding sexual harassment in the workplace. These span more than four decades and yet, it does not seem that the incidence of sexual harassment has been reduced. Statistical data are reported from an older Federal Government Report, a military academies report, and a general public report. The incidence of harassment at each military academy is reported for women and men along with the reasons they seldom report these crimes. The physical and emotional effects of experiencing this type of crime are discussed. There are three sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Boko Haram and Potential Charges by the ICC for Crimes Against Humanity

      This 8 page paper reviews the actions of Boko Haram in Nigeria and assesses the potential for criminal charges to be brought by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crime against humanity. The discussion includes consideration of jurisdiction, the classifications of charges that maybe brought, including considering the potential of claims for enslavement, sexual slavery, forced marriage, and enforced disappearance. The bibliography cites 12 sources. ... MORE

    • Age 18 or 21

      There is some controversy over the ages 18 and 21. For instance, in some states a person who is 18 can order an alcoholic beverage but in most states, the age is 21. Seems ridiculous given the fact that so many people younger than 21 are serving for their country. The age of emancipation from foster care also differs by state, mostly it is 18 but in some states, it is 21. This essay discusses articles that reported studies about the outcomes for foster kids. They are mostly negative. The outlook is much more positive in states where the age is 21. Included for each article are: theoretical or conceptual framework, methodology, design, and conclusions. A visual graphic that reflects the concepts in each study along with statistical data are included. There are three sources listed in the bibliography of this six page paper. ... MORE

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