• Recent Papers

    • Dialysis and Quality of Life/A PICO Question

      This research paper describes the process of formulating a PICO question that pertains to hemodialysis patients and their quality of life. Six pages in length, which includes a one page abstract, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Talent and Adversity: The Interestings

      This 4 page paper gives an explanation of the book, The Interestings, and uses it to explain how adverse conditions lead to development of talents. This this paper includes the main characters Jules and Ethan as examples of how this talent might emerge in the right conditions. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Type One Diabetes Screening Tool

      This research paper reports on the development of a revised, validated screen tool for disorder eating among type one diabetes mellitus pediatric patients, the the Diabetes Eating Problem Survey (DEPS). Four pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Could the Leaders of Boko Haram be Charged with Crimes Agsinst Humanity?

      Boko Haram are an Islamic jihadist organization based in Nigeria who became known for the kidnapping of more than 200 Christian schoolgirls in 2014. This paper considers the actions of Boko Haram in order to assess whether or not there is the potential for a criminal case to be brought under international law. The paper draws on international law laid down in the Rome Statute and the way the law has been interpreted in previous cases. Twelve sources are cited in the bibliography of this eight page paper. ... MORE


      Focuses on a management analysis of the retailer Carrefour, and other management discussions. Powerpoint presentation and mind map are included There are 6 sources listed in the bibliography of this 12-page paper. ... MORE

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