• Recent Papers

    • Effect of Social Medea

      This paper pertain to recent literature and the influence of social media. The writer argues that while social media provides benefits, it is also associated with numerous negative effects, which must be considered. Seven pages in length, six sources are cited. ... MORE

    • One Corporate Health Program for Employees

      Improving the health of employees is a valuable endeavor because the healthier they are the more productive they are. Johnson & Johnson implemented a comprehensive employee wellness program with multiple components about 20 years ago. The purpose was to help employees know their health risks and how to prevent illnesses. This paper explains the program and the challenges J&J faces. There are four sources used in this nine page paper. ... MORE


      Provides information on University of Maryland University College's strategic position, as well as where it is from a competitive standpoint with other schools. SWOT, PESTLE and comparative analyses are included. There are 7 sources listed in the bibliography of this 8-page paper. ... MORE

    • Overview of Child Abuse

      This paper describes the effects of child abuse on child development and also the problems that is causes in later life for the adults survivors of child abuse. Four pages in length, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Dialysis and Quality of Life/A PICO Question

      This research paper describes the process of formulating a PICO question that pertains to hemodialysis patients and their quality of life. Six pages in length, which includes a one page abstract, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

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