• Recent Papers

    • Audit School District

      School districts receive funding from many sources at the state and federal levels. Each funding comes with laws, rules, and regulations and if the district violates those, it will find itself being audited beyond the annual external audit. In this essay, a school district misused funds. The essay discusses an audit plan with actions embedded in these discussions. There are three sources used in this fuve page paper. ... MORE

    • Parts of Linguistics

      Linguistics is the study of language and how people make and understand the meanings of 'utterances.' There are numerous components and subcomponents within the field of linguistics and language acquisition. This paper discusses two major parts of linguistics, semantics and pragmatics. Each is explained and discussed along with differences and how we use them every day. There are ten sources used in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • Proper Nutrition and Exorcise to Eliminate Eating Disorders

      This paper contends that the measures that are needed to address obesity are the same as those needed to address binge eating, anorexia and bulimia. These measures revolve around education and public policy. There are five sources listed in this five page paper. ... MORE

    • The Pros and Cons of Flat Tax and Progressive Tax

      This 7 page paper gives an overview of both the progressive and flat tax systems. This paper includes the pros and cons of both system. Bibliography list 3 sources. ... MORE

    • Ultrasound Technology in Pregnancy

      In a paper of three pages, the author reflects on existing research on the use of ultrasounds during pregnancy. The author provides an overview of studies that show that there are few benefits from the use of ultrasounds at every visit, but there are two times during a pregnancy when this technology has considerable value. Bibliography lists four sources. ... MORE

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