• Recent Papers


      Discusses the technology lifecycle, the technology acceptance cycle, and how it might pertain to blockchain technology and banking. There are 5 sources listed in the bibliography of this 3-page paper. ... MORE

    • Leadership and Change

      In a paper of three pages, the author reflects on the issue of leadership and the impact on change. Organizational leaders recognize that strategic approaches to organizational culture must focus on evidence-based change. Schein’s methods for developing an organizational culture capable of change, including relating primary embedding mechanism and secondary articulation and enforcement mechanisms, can be valuable in organizations. There are three sources used. ... MORE

    • Data and Two Hypothetical Businesses

      Foodie is an app that uses big data to understand user's food preferences. Wandr uses big data to link travelers with other travelers. Both are hypothetical companies. The essay discusses stakeholders, social media, and what each company does. No Bibliography ... MORE

    • How Some Government Mandates are Paid For

      This paper provides a summary of one article by Joyce McKnight entitled "Public Funding of Human Services from the "Poor Laws" until Today." It is enlightening to learn that many of today's programs are similar to those begun centuries and decades ago but with different titles and in some cases, different mandates. Examples are included to demonstrate how programs in the 1700s and 1800s provided the foundation for human service and social welfare programs today. There is one source listed in the bibliography of this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Sir Isaac Newton, Biography

      This essay present a biography of Sir Isaac Newton, renown 17th century mathematician and scientist. Three pages in length, two sources are cited. ... MORE

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