• Recent Papers

    • Criminal Sexual-type Conduct Data

      There have been a number of laws passed and numerous court cases regarding sexual harassment in the workplace. These span more than four decades and yet, it does not seem that the incidence of sexual harassment has been reduced. Statistical data are reported from an older Federal Government Report, a military academies report, and a general public report. The incidence of harassment at each military academy is reported for women and men along with the reasons they seldom report these crimes. The physical and emotional effects of experiencing this type of crime are discussed. There are three sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • How the Bubonic Plague Spurred the Renaissance

      This paper argues that the horrors of the black plague, in the end, actually resulted in ripening the conditions that were required for the Renaissance. There are six sources listed in this seven page paper. ... MORE

    • Do e-cigarettes Work

      The question is whether or not e-cigarettes work in terms of quitting smoking. This paper continues some earlier papers that were about beginning a smoking cessation program in a mental health hospital. The tool is the e-cig. This essay provides learning objectives from nursing essentials, timeline for student's work, and leadership and other activities the student will do for the program. There are two sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Cyber-terrorism vs. Terrorism

      This research paper pertains to traditional terrorism vs. cyber-terrorism and discusses similarities and differences. The writer argues that cyber-terrorism constitutes a greater potential threat. Five pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • "Cancer Alley" and Environmental Justice

      This paper describes the case made against Shell Oil Company by the residents of "Cancer Alley," a stretch of the Mississippi with a high incidence of pollution caused by oil refineries as well as a high incidence of cancer. Three pages in length, one source is cited. ... MORE

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