• Recent Papers

    • Jean M. Twenge, Generation Me

      This book review pertains to Jean M. Twenge's text Generation Me, which is a study of the differences between the attitudes and sense of self that characterizes different generations. The author asserts that Generation Me developed an inflated sense of self-importance due to the emphasis placed on self-esteem development in public schools. The write evaluates the value of this text. Four pages in length, two sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Maritime Transportation Systems: Safety and Security

      This 12 page paper gives an overview of the Maritime Transportation Systems and the problems in the various areas of the system. This paper includes issues such as safety and security in the transportation of goods. Bibliography lists 6 sources. ... MORE

    • Different Family Structures

      The question for this essay is 'Are blended families just as good or better than traditional families and how do blended families operate differently from traditional families?' The paper explains different family structure, reports statistical data, and discusses differences between these two family structures. There are seven sources used in this ten page paper. ... MORE

    • Mobile Technology

      Wireless and mobile devices have become part of everyone's life even if they do not own a smart phone. This paper defines these technologies. It then compares the use of them between Delta Airlines and Southwest airlines. There are twelve sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • American Indian College

      Two American Indian scholars, David, Risling, Jr. and Dr. Jack Forbes wanted to establish D-Q University that was designed especially for Indian people to return to the reservation to develop communities. D-Q University lost its accreditation in 2005 and was working to reopen it. This essay discusses the situation. There are three sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

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