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    • Corporate Culture Theories that Impact it

      The corporate culture is like an unwritten code of conduct. It is not a document, it is just the way things get done in that organization. Some believe that it takes a crisis to change the culture because it is embedded in the minds of everyone. This essay explores how certain organizational theories might impact the culture. Examples of theories include dialectical and complexity. There are seven sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • How the Bubonic Plague Spurred the Renaissance

      This paper argues that the horrors of the black plague, in the end, actually resulted in ripening the conditions that were required for the Renaissance. There are six sources listed in this seven page paper. ... MORE


      Offers an example of a summary budget, and explanation, for a fictitious financial literacy program. There are 2 sources listed in the bibliography of this 3-page paper. ... MORE

    • How to Possibly Reduce Poverty, Crime, and Drug Abuse in Cities

      This 3 page paper gives a proposition for an urban project to reduce poverty, crime, and drug abuse. This paper includes family and community and how it relates to criminal activity. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

    • iPad Technology and the Changed it Caused

      This 3 page paper gives an overview of how the iPad's technology is changing standards. This paper includes an explanation of how other companies need to change their practices to keep up with the iPad. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

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