• Recent Papers

    • CSR and Consumer Behavior

      In a paper of three pages, the author reflects on the concept of corporate social responsibility. The author identifies themes in the existing research. The author also provides an overview of corresponding themes. There are five sources. ... MORE

    • How the Bubonic Plague Spurred the Renaissance

      This paper argues that the horrors of the black plague, in the end, actually resulted in ripening the conditions that were required for the Renaissance. There are six sources listed in this seven page paper. ... MORE

    • One Corporate Health Program for Employees

      Improving the health of employees is a valuable endeavor because the healthier they are the more productive they are. Johnson & Johnson implemented a comprehensive employee wellness program with multiple components about 20 years ago. The purpose was to help employees know their health risks and how to prevent illnesses. This paper explains the program and the challenges J&J faces. There are four sources used in this nine page paper. ... MORE

    • Pearl Harbor Debate, The Issues

      This research paper discusses two controversies that have generated debate, which focus on the attack on Pearl Harbor. The debates that are focused on concern the role of communication failures and whether or not President Franklin Roosevelt had knowledge that the attack would occur before it happened. Nine pages in length, one of which is devoted to an outline, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Water Pollution, Review of Literature

      This paper presents a brief discussion of scholarly literature that pertains to water pollution. Three pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

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