• Recent Papers


      This 3-page paper provides an example of a personal statement/essay for an individual interested in attending medical school. ... MORE

    • How Do You Learn Best

      Learning styles have been researched and studied for decades. Do you know what your own learning style is? If you are a teacher, you will tend to instruct your class based on your own learning style. This means if you present material visually, students who learn through their auditory channel will not learn much. This essay discusses several issues related to learning styles beginning with the writer's own style and how most of K-12 education was presented in a different style. Other topics include the importance of knowing your students' learning styles, how to assess them, how to overcome obstacles, and examples for incorporating three styles in a lesson. There are two sources listed in the bibliography of this four page paper. ... MORE


      Examines the importance of materials management in healthcare systems' operating rooms, and methods to ensure an efficient supply system. There are 4 sources listed in the bibliography of this 3-page paper. ... MORE

    • Reports on Medicare

      Activities performed by the Department of Health and Human Services are discussed in comprehensive semiannual reports that are authored by the Office of the Inspector General. These reports focus on abuse, fraud, and crimes against Medicare and Medicaid along with some other similar programs. The report specifies the billions of dollars recovered every six months. The two most recent reports are discussed and the writer comments on a report from 2004. There are three sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Canadian Drug Testing in the Workplace

      Employers in Canada face legislative restrictions concerning their abilities to test employees for drugs. This foundation level paper discusses the employer responsibilities, when they can test and the related issues of privacy. The paper is three pages in length. ... MORE

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