• Recent Papers

    • Two Theories, Domestic Violence

      This paper pertains to two theories that explain the causation of domestic violence, feminist theory and the social-ecological model. Four pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE


      An essay discussing the human responsibility toward natural resources and the natural world. There are 3 sources listed in the bibliography of this 5-page paper. ... MORE

    • Abuse Cases, Elder and Child Abuse

      This paper first describes 2 cases of abuse, one that pertains to elder abuse and the other to child sexual abuse. Then, the writer discusses the impact that abuse has on the lives of victims. Three pass in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Cyber Attacks in Healthcare

      Few people realize how vulnerable healthcare operations systems, from electronic health records to connected medical devices, are to cyber attacks. There have been major cyber attacks against some healthcare organizations involving millions of patient records. This essay discuses three major threats to healthcare operation systems. There are five sources used in this five page paper.a ... MORE

    • Code Green - A New Challenge

      Code Green is a huge global project that Thomas Friedman proposed in his book, Hot, Flat, And Crowded. Why We Need a Green Revolution – and How it Can Renew America. New leaders are needed, which leads to a discussion on leadership development and the need to include spirituality in the programs. There are thirteen sources used in this twenty page paper. ... MORE

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