• Recent Papers

    • Could the Leaders of Boko Haram be Charged with Crimes Agsinst Humanity?

      Boko Haram are an Islamic jihadist organization based in Nigeria who became known for the kidnapping of more than 200 Christian schoolgirls in 2014. This paper considers the actions of Boko Haram in order to assess whether or not there is the potential for a criminal case to be brought under international law. The paper draws on international law laid down in the Rome Statute and the way the law has been interpreted in previous cases. Twelve sources are cited in the bibliography of this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • Indian Caste System and Hinduism

      This 3 page paper gives a breakdown of the caste system categories in India. This paper includes the history of the system and how it related to Hinduism. Bibliography list 2 sources. ... MORE

    • Carbon Emissions and Climate Change

      This paper pertains to climate change and the ongoing debate over decreasing carbon emissions. The writer discusses both side of this issue and then concludes that reducing carbon emissions is imperative in order to preserve life on earth. Six pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Extremist Attitudes/General Strain Theory

      This paper provides analysis of Nivette, Eisner, and Ribeaud (2017), and general strain theory as an influence of collective strain among a diverse sample of Swiss adolescents, which focused on the manner in which strain affected their support of violent extremism. Four pages in length, two sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Leukemia Overview

      This research paper, which is associated with a power point presentation, khleukemia.ppt, offers a comprehensive overview of leukemia. Twelve pages in length, which includes one page for the table of contents and one page for a bulleted discussed of Findings/Points of Interest. The references page lists five sources. ... MORE

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